Saturday, September 6, 2008

photos, finally!

Here are a few of my shots from the past two days. I am SO happy I have a card reader now, although it took a few employees at an electronic store having to track down a fellow English-speaking coworker to figure out just what I was saying/looking for. More photos to come soon.

the Arno River, which borders Florence to the south. I bike over this each day on my way into town.

another view of the Arno

my bike path along the Arno

let's not forget rows upon rows of scooters, which rule the city

my cute, narrow room

desk area

view from bedroom window

living room


Ken Caruthers said...

Nice Place!!! :O)

Can't wait to hear from you. You should call me if you get time or maybe I should call you. Vent? Or something.


Bre said...

wow it's beautiful! You're really lucky!

grace said...

I miss you so much and you just left. So glad to know you arrived safely and are checking out the sights. I am hoping to join your mother for a visit next month! I LOVE your blog .... I will be visiting it frequently!

Anonymous said...

I spotted a Mini in that row of cars! XD It's odd to not see WoW on the computron!

Miss you!!!
