Saturday, September 20, 2008

Italian rugby? oh yeah!

So I did something very different today - I attended a rugby festival today put on by the Old Rugby Club/Ribolliti Firenze. All the players were aged 50yrs+ and it was both exciting and amusing to boot! Mind you, these men were not galloping slowly after the ball in arthritic states....ooooh no. This was full contact take-out rugby! It was my first rugby game I've seen played and it made my day. I brought along my camera and documented the events both in video and photo.

The video may be seen here:

And more of the photos here:

After the game was over, I explored more of the surrounding area since I had not yet trekked the stadium area of Florence. There was a fantastic metal bridge that crossed over the railway tracks and I paused there for a few more photos.

And my own little study of a home's doorway along the way.

I also came across a park surrounded by apartments where kids were having fun on playground equipment and there was a fenced-in area for football (soccer) play. After watching from behind the fence for awhile, I was invited to join in and had a great time taking part in the 6 vs. 6 game. I was invited back for another game tomorrow, which I look forward to immensely. Of course they're all local residents and speak mainly Italian so my communication skills are extremely limited, but with the few words that I know and the shared love of the game, it went fairly smoothly. Here's for sports crossing cultural boundaries!


CB said...

Awesome post of the rugby game!
Keep up the excellent work!
I feel like I'm there already thru your posts!
Any cute single rugby guys?
Love ya!

Deaglos said...

ROFLMAO I bet ya had a great time watching them play.
Be safe and have a beer with the gang for me.